

Fineurop Soditic assisted Raco in the transaction in which MPS Venture I acquired a 30% share quota in the Group through a reserved capital increase of Euro 6 million and supported by acquisition financing to acquire the 100% control of Friulpress-Samp. Further to this acquisition the fund Absolute, the current Raco majority shareholder, will hold a 51% share, MPS Venture a 30% share and the management the remaining 18% share. Raco, based near Udine, is a leading producer of automotive components which generated 2005 sales of Euro 50 million. Friulpress-Samp produces die-casted and machined components made of aluminium and zamak. The acquisition of Friulpress-Samp is in line with Raco strategies; Raco aims to achieve important synergies in many industrial sectors (automotive, household and electric appliances industries) and to reach consolidated revenue of Euro 80 million in the next year.