OVAM, Top Car e Ricauto
Fineurop Soditic originated the transaction in which the French Group Autodis (Autodistribution), backed by the private equity firm Bain Capital, acquired a majority stake in OVAM, Ricauto and Top Car.
The three leading Italian wholesaler distributors operate in the North and Center of the country.
Founded near Milan in 1963, OVAM achieved 2016 turnover of over Euro 80 million and employs around 150 professionals.
Established respectively in 1973 and 1989, Ricauto and Top Car are based in Padua and together represent the major player with GIADI, the Autodistribution’s partner purchasing group in Italy through the affiliated subsidiary AD Italy.
In 2016, Ricauto and Top Car generated a combined turnover of more than Euro 40 million and employing 47 professionals.
The newly formed Italian structure would generate revenues in excess of Euro 120 million and will become one of the domestic leaders in Italy, also by attracting new independent distributors.