Francisco Palau
Francesco Palau

Francisco Palau

Senior Advisor Food

Francisco Palau Grieg received an undergraduate degree in Business Studies from the University of Buckingham (UK).
He started his career as auditor at KPMG in 1983.
In 1990 Francisco joined the family business which mainly operates in seafood and tuna canning, then he became Chairman of Appetais Italia a leading manufacturer of frozen ready meals.
From 2015 to 2021 he was Chairman Food Division at Confindustria Genoa.
Until 2020, Francisco covered the position of Member of the Board of the gluten free food producer Farma & Co and of Alcass, focused on frozen food and he worked as CEO at IFF USA in Chicago.

Francisco is currently Honorary Consul of the Sultanate of Oman in Milan and Lombardy and Chairman of the luxury real estate La Corte Di Francavilla.
He is member of the Board of Italian Frozen Food Holding active in the frozen and gluten free food products and member of the Board Food Division of Confindustria Genova.
Since 2023 Francisco has been senior advisor food of Fineurop Soditic.

Spoken languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French