Eugenio Marzorati
Eugenio graduated in Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan in 1986.
Parallel with his university career, he began working as a consultant at the Lugano-based trust company Revifida SA, dealing with treasury management and audits.
In 1991 he obtained the Federal Certificate of Trust Business Consultancy and he mainly focused on industrial companies located in the Ticino area.
In January 1992, leaving the consultant activity, he became the CEO of Novametal S.A. of Rancate, a company owned by his family. Since then, Eugenio has focused on organic development and the opening of new subsidiaries across the world, transforming the small family business with 60 employees into a multinational company with approximately 600 employees.
Since 1996 Eugenio has been Board Member of Cogne Acciai Speciali of Aosta, where he has also assumed the role of CEO since 2019. Eugenio has been supporting Cogne Acciai Speciali’s business and also focusing on long-term sustainability.
Since 2022, Eugenio has been senior advisor industrial of Fineurop Soditic.
Spoken languages: Italian, German, English, French, Spanish.